OraSnap FAQ

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Frequently Answered Questions

Will OraSnap run on a UNIX box or is it for windoze only?
OraSnap is simply a collection of SQL scripts with static webpages for navigation. I've tested OraSnap on UNIX, Win95, Win98, WinNT, and Linux against v7.3.x and v8.0.5 databases.
If you have a webserver running on your UNIX box, you should download the "orasnap.zip", unzip on your PC, and copy all the files (with the directory structures) to your UNIX box. Launch SQL*Plus and run either snap7 or snap8.sql and point your browser to the appropriate directory.

I installed OraSnap and it did not created the SQL*Plus shortcut. It created the OraSnap Folder, the OraSnap Output, the Readme Notes file and Uninstall OraSnap shortcut. Why is there no SQL*Plus shortcut?
More than likely you've got your client software in a "non-standard" location. OraSnap.exe scans c:, d:, and e: drives for existence of one of the following:

  • OraWin\bin\plus33w.exe
  • OraWin\bin\plus80w.exe
  • OraWin95\bin\plus33w.exe
  • OraWin95\bin\plus80w.exe
  • OraNT\bin\plus33w.exe
  • OraNT\bin\plus80w.exe
  • Oracle\Ora81\bin\sqplusw.exe
  • Program Files\OraWin\bin\plus33w.exe
  • Program Files\OraWin\bin\plus80w.exe
  • Program Files\OraWin95\bin\plus33w.exe
  • Program Files\OraWin95\bin\plus80w.exe
  • Program Files\OraNT\bin\plus33w.exe
  • Program Files\OraNT\bin\plus80w.exe
    So if you installed your client software under C:\oracle - OraSnap will not create a shortcut.
    If I don't find it, I can't create the shortcut for SQL*Plus. (see next FAQ)

    What do the red and bold values mean in the output?
    I use bold and red values to highlight some of the more important sections/values in the output. Those are NOT problem indicators.

    How can I create the shortcut by hand? (one for each database)
    To setup a Windows Shortcut - try either of the following:
    C:\orawin95\bin\plus33w sys/<password>@DBNAME @snap7 (v7 Win95 client)
    C:\orant\bin\plus33w sys/<password>@DBNAME @snap7 (v7 WinNT client)
    C:\orawin95\bin\plus80w sys/<password>@DBNAME @snap7 (v8 Win95 client)
    C:\orant\bin\plus80w sys/<password>@DBNAME @snap7 (v8 WinNT client)
    You MUST define C:\OraSnap as your "start in" directory in the shortcut definition!

    I only need a couple of the reports. How can I do this?
    Option added in OraSnap v1.2.0 See README.TXT for more information.

    One (or more) of the OraSnap reports has errors. How do I modify the queries?
    Unfortunately, Oracle is constantly adding/removing/renaming columns in different versions of Oracle. Column names can vary from platform to platform and version to version. I try to use DBA% views whenever possible - however, these can change from release to release. Don't be afraid to modify the corresponding query to suite your particular platform and/or version of Oracle.

    One (or more) of the OraSnap reports seems to "hang". What should I do?
    Some of the reports can be very time/cpu intensive. Determine which report(s) are hanging and then modify either the snap7.sql or snap8.sql (depending on your version of Oracle) and comment the report out of the script. I've identified the reports that are most likely to hang in the scripts. You should also run the DROPTEMP.sql script to clean-up any temp views that were not dropped.

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